Edge of Frozen

A new fine art series has been published on the site. Edge of Frozen.   Project Statement Becoming more fluid than frozen and moving north. The transition from frozen to fluid is a most important and delicate balance. It is where global warming has the strongest of impacts; a space where white becomes blue in […]

The Kettle River — Black and Blue

NEW GALLERY UNDER FINE ART   Project Statement: The Kettle River was placed at the top of the Outdoor Recreation Council’s BC Endangered Rivers List in 2011. Wanting to know more, I spent some time immersing myself into the watershed. I explored the headwaters and followed its journey to the border. I also wanted to […]

Pinnacle Lake

Pinnacle Lake from Mark Coffey on Vimeo. As you can see in the short timelapse above, the clouds did not clear for me but I am sure to go back — hoping for better skies. One neat part of this hike was seeing the size of avalanches that ran this past winter with record snow […]